Hydro Renewable: Leading the Way in Efficient Hydropower Technology

Maximizing Energy Generation with Pumps As Turbines.

Hydropower is one of the most important renewable energy sources used worldwide, and Torishima is at the forefront of developing the most efficient technology in this field.

Pumps As Turbines (PaTs)

As a company committed to renewable energy, we specialize in developing and installing our own range of Pumps As Turbines (PaTs) for our customers. These applications help our clients meet their energy goals while maximizing efficiency.

PaTs capture hydraulic energy from water by rotating the pump in reverse as a turbine, driving a generator to convert mechanical energy into electricity.

“Using site data, we aim to set the PaTs to their optimal generation capability, with a target water-to-wire efficiency of 75%+.”

With over 100 years of experience as a leading international pump manufacturer and a successful track record in the UK, we know that using Pumps As Turbines in hydropower systems not only contributes to energy savings but also ensures the responsible use of natural resources by reducing the carbon footprint.

Key Benefits of PaTs Technology

  • Economic Savings

Our PaTs technology offers significant economic savings by recovering hydraulic energy. This provides a competitive advantage in meeting the global need for sustainable energy consumption.

  • Detailed Case Study Analysis

We study each case in detail to offer the best economic proposal, focusing on creating a profitable project where the investment payback period is minimized by optimizing the total generation potential.

  • Bespoke Design and Installation

Torishima’s team of multi-disciplined and professionally qualified engineers provides the highest levels of service, quality, and customer care. We design systems tailored to the customer’s needs to achieve the most optimal working point under variable hydraulic conditions.

  • Asset Care Program

We also implement our Asset Care Program in conjunction with site operators to develop a comprehensive proactive maintenance plan, ensuring long system life and high performance.


In installations where pressure is higher than necessary, throttle valves are often used to reduce pressure without affecting the flow rate.

At Torishima, we see this as wasted potential. By replacing these throttle valves with our PaT system, the previously wasted pressure breakdown can now generate electricity, which can be used locally or sold when not required.