Irrigation & Drainage

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At Torishima, we are committed to providing innovative and efficient water management solutions for the irrigation and drainage industry. We understand that water is a vital resource for both agricultural production and flood protection.

Our goal is to ensure that this resource reaches where it is needed most in a stable and efficient manner, while helping to protect communities and agricultural land from the devastating effects of flooding. With our advanced pumping technology, we support sustainable growth and security in regions around the world.


Providing essential water for crop production in a stable and efficient manner.
Water is indispensable for the growth of crops such as rice, vegetables and fruits, which are essential for human life. Irrigation is a system that draws water from rivers, lakes, dams, etc., and distributes it efficiently across fields through canals, ensuring stable and sustained growth of these vital crops.


Protecting the city and its inhabitants in case of unexpected floods.
Rainfall can also suddenly turn into a destructive force, causing flooding due to heavy rainfall or typhoons overflowing rivers. In recent years, extreme weather conditions have intensified around the world.

To protect cities from unexpected flooding, rainwater drainage systems are used to retain water and prevent overflows. At Torishima, we contribute large pumps capable of moving tens of tonnes of water in just a few seconds.

Service Solutions

At Torishima, we not only supply high quality pumping equipment, but also offer comprehensive service solutions to ensure the optimum performance and longevity of our own or our customers' products.