MHH - Axially Split Diffuser Pump

The TORISHIMA MHH is a high pressure, middle capacity pump for high pressure pumps for RO desalination and water transmission pumps.

The diffuser guides flow from impeller discharge to the next impeller suction eye. The axial force is compensated by a hydraulic balancing device. The axially split design gives easy maintenance of rotating equipment without disturbing the main pipework.

The pump has a wide range of materials from carbon steel to stainless steel (austenitic, duplex stainless steel) depending on handling liquid and site condition.

Technical Data

Capacity 250 to 800m³/h / 1,100 to 3,520USgpm
Total Head up to 800m / 2,600ft
Suction pressure up to 10 bar/ 1MPa / 145 psi
Discharge pressure up to 100 bar/ 10MPa / 1,450psi


High pressure seawater feed for RO desalination

Distribution for water works, etc.


MHH,Axially split multistage pump